Resolution 01-24 A Resolution Pursuant to Revised Code 128.06(A)(5)To Select Jason Henderson Of Pleasantville To The County 9-1-1 Program Review Committee
Resolution 05-23 A Resolution Accepting The Amounts And Rates As Determined By The Fairfield County Budget Commission And Authorizing The Necessary Tax Levies And Certifying Them To The County Auditor
Resolution 04-23: A Resolution indicating a need for increased revenue to support 24/7 policing in the Village of Lithopolis
Resolution 03-23: A Resolution Concerning Flood Prone Areas & Intent to Participate in the National Flood Insurance Program.
Resolution 02-23 : A Resolution Concerning services to property proposed for annexation Consisting of 1.412 +/- acres in Bloom Township to the Village of Lithopolis (Exhibit A) and Declaring an Emergency
Resolution 01-23 – Adopting a Modification to the On-street parking restriction in the Wagnalls Run Subdivision in Response to a Petition of Residents
Resolution 08-22 – Adopting the Federally Approved 2023 Fairfield County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan
Resolution 07-22 – Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Fairfield County Budget Commission and Authorizing the necessary Tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor
Resolution 06-22 – Indicating a need for increase revenue to support 247 policing in the Village of Lithopolis
Resolution 05-22 – Resolution Declaring the lack of Awarness of mental illness, addiction, domestic violence and child abuse as a Public Health Crises in the Village of Lithopolis and Declaring an Emergency