Village of Lithopolis

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)

Circle border with words est. 1814 village of lithopolis around a house made up of many different pastel colored trapezoidal shapes
Welcome to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Information page for the Village of Lithopolis.

A Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System or a MS4 is an interconnected set of structures that transport storm water to a water source. Unlike a sewer system that treats sewage, an MS4 regulates the drainage of water runoff.


Additional Residential Resources

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Progams

According to the Ohio Department of Protection Agency a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Program should include the following:

  1. Public Education and Outreach
  2. Public Participation and Involvement
  3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
  4. Construction Site Runoff Control
  5.  Post-Construction Runoff Control
  6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations

Click below for additional information on MS4 plans for Small Municipal Operations

Ohio EPA Fact sheet

Summer Cleaning

As we get closer to back to school kick offs, residents with chlorinated pools are preparing to drain their pools. Proper disposal of pool water is not only important for the safety of the wildlife it is also important for your home and neighborhood.

Pitching Pool water

Village of Lithopolis Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)

Storm Water Management plans or SWMPs are designed to reduce the pollution and contamination of rivers, streams, and ground water during construction projects by controlling runoff of rainwater or melted snow.

Below is a copy of the Storm Water Management plan for the Village of Lithopolis.


SWMP 2022-2026

Educational Materials

  • The Clean Water Act Fact Sheet

    The Clean water Act was enacted by Congress in 1972 to address water pollution in the United States. Click below to see more facts about this Act.

    Clean Water Act Facts
  • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan

    An Informational packet on the reporting and management of illicit discharges, spills, sediment and erosion.

    Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan
  • Honeysuckle: An Unlikely Culprit in the Case of Water Quality

    Honeysuckle bushes may not look like an aggressive invasive species, but these fragrant flowers can be detrimental to water quality and aquatic life.

    More on Honeysuckle
  • Educational Newsletters on Storm water

    Four short newsletters about Stormwater.

    Storm Water Newsletters
Information on Construction Site Runoff Regulations and Procedures

Below are documents designed to educate Builders and Homeowners on procedures and regulations for managing drainage, erosion and sediment on construction sites.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention for Small Residential Construction sites

An Educational Brochure for Builders and Homeowners on Stormwater regulations relating to Small Residential Construction.

Small Residential Construction
Drainage, Erosion and Sediment Control (DESC) Regulations

Below is an informational packet on Drainage, Erosion and Sediment Control (DESC) Regulations.

DESC Regulations
Step by Step Installation Procedure for Silt Fences

A diagram on the Installation of Silt Fences to prevent erosion at construction sites.

Step by Step Installation
A Guide to Straw Wattle Installation

An Informational packet on installation of Straw Wattles for the prevention of erosion at construction sites.

Straw Wattle Installation

Division of Surface Water NPDES Small MS4 General Permit Annual Reporting Forms

Below are the Division of Surface Water NPDES Small MS4 General Permit Annual Reporting Forms for 2019-2022

Division of Surface Water NPDES Small MS4 General Permit Annual Reporting Form - 2021

Division of Surface Water NPDES Small MS4 General Permit Annual Reporting Form- 2019

Division of Surface Water NPDES Small MS4 General Permit Annual Reporting Form - 2020
