Contact The Village Now
City of Stone - Established 1814

Village of Lithopolis

Circle border with words est. 1814 village of lithopolis around a house made up of many different pastel colored trapezoidal shapes
Welcome to the Village of Lithopolis! For residents, business owners, employees and visitors, we are here to serve. Please explore our website to find the information you need about our Village.
Our Mayor
Eric Sandine

Village Officials

The Village is a statutory village with a mayor and six-member Council, with members being elected every two years to staggered four-year terms. The Village Administrator, Fiscal Officer and Chief of Police round out the village officers and report to the mayor. Officials can be reached at the Lithopolis Village Office.

Council Meeting

Monday at 7:00pm

This meeting is a continuation of the January 28th meeting that was adjourned due to lack of quorum.

Village Council meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 PM in the Village Office at 11820 Lithopolis Road NW. The public is welcome to attend meetings or to provide comments on any Village-related matter.

Need More Information?

Can we give you more information on anything related to the Village? Contact us today!

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